Toilets – Mansfield Plumbing Mon, 22 May 2017 20:08:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 102888116 Child-sized Toilet Big Hit with Parents Mon, 12 Jun 2017 20:05:55 +0000 In honor of this being “Potty Training Awareness Month” we’re reminding you that Mansfield Plumbing offers the perfect way to entice children to “go on their own” — a child-sized toilet! “Adult-sized toilets can be too high or large for children,” says Adriana Miller, product manager at Mansfield Plumbing. “They’re almost intimidating, and they can […]

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In honor of this being “Potty Training Awareness Month” we’re reminding you that Mansfield Plumbing offers the perfect way to entice children to “go on their own” — a child-sized toilet!

“Adult-sized toilets can be too high or large for children,” says Adriana Miller, product manager at Mansfield Plumbing. “They’re almost intimidating, and they can be unsafe due to their size.

“That’s why we created the Elementary toilet. It’s just 11-1/4 inches tall for easy access. We make the bowl smaller, so it’s a comfortable fit for a child.”

Available in two pieces, the round-front toilet includes a lid cover lock and a custom made SmartCloseTM toilet seat. “This seat closes very slowly, so there’s no banging down of the seat lid,” says Miller. “That’s also a good thing because the seat will not close suddenly and hurt any small fingers in the way.”


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May is Home Improvement Month Mon, 15 May 2017 17:03:38 +0000 If you’re a homeowner, now is the time to roll up your sleeves and tackle Spring projects around the home. Designated as Home Improvement Month, May is when you can take a good look at your home to determine what will be “we can tackle that” projects versus “let’s hire a professional” projects. If it’s […]

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If you’re a homeowner, now is the time to roll up your sleeves and tackle Spring projects around the home. Designated as Home Improvement Month, May is when you can take a good look at your home to determine what will be “we can tackle that” projects versus “let’s hire a professional” projects.

If it’s time for improvements in your bathroom, you’ll need to decide if a professional plumber is needed or if you can handle upgrades on your own. For some homeowners with a working knowledge of plumbing, replacing a toilet may be an easy-to-tackle project.

“Replacing an older, inefficient toilet with a WaterSense high-efficiency toilet is such a smart investment,” says Adriana Miller, product manager at Mansfield Plumbing. “Homeowners can gain an efficient waste removal system while saving money on water bills by installing a new toilet. There are step-by-step instructions and videos at that make this a fairly easy project for a DIYer.”

If a new toilet is on your “must do” list during Home Improvement Month, we encourage you to check out the water efficient PROTECTOR® No-Overflow Toilet. This amazing toilet, which has a highly-engineered PuraCleanTM glaze for easy cleaning, features a unique concealed secondary drain that provides protection from messy overflow situations.

Made in the U.S.A., the PROTECTOR solves the problem of clogged toilets displacing overflowing water onto the floor by redirecting excess water into the concealed secondary drain. There are no unsightly holes and the overflow system is hidden within the bowl. A homeowner’s dream toilet!

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Spring Home Improvement Time Sat, 01 Apr 2017 13:30:05 +0000 Ready for Spring clean up? It’s time to air out the house and make a list of Spring home improvement projects that will enhance your home. Tops on the list should be the room you use several times a day — the bathroom. And within the bathroom, take a good look at your toilet. Oftentimes […]

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Ready for Spring clean up? It’s time to air out the house and make a list of Spring home improvement projects that will enhance your home.

Tops on the list should be the room you use several times a day — the bathroom. And within the bathroom, take a good look at your toilet.

Oftentimes people “inherit” the toilets in their house when they move in. Over time though, the toilets may stop functioning as smoothly as they did originally. That’s a sure sign that it’s time for a toilet replacement. Other signs include leaking, rocking or sluggish flushes of the toilet. And, if your water bills seem too high, it’s a good bet that you don’t have a water efficient toilet in your home.

Replacing a toilet is a fairly easy DIY project. Start by selecting a low water usage toilet with lots of power. You’ll also want to look for the “cleanest” toilet you can find to make your household chores easier.

For peace-of-mind and easy cleaning, we recommend the PROTECTOR® No-Overflow Toilet. It features a unique concealed secondary drain that provides protection from messy overflow situations. The PROTECTOR also stays clean longer than standard toilets. A highly-engineered PuraClean™ glaze on the toilet makes the bowl bacteria resistant and easier to clean.

Available as a SmartHeight™ toilet, the 1.6 Gpf PROTECTOR sits 16-1/2″ tall and meets ADA standards, making it easy to sit and stand from this easy-access toilet. For powerful flush action, the toilet also features a three-inch flush valve design and can easily move 800 grams MaP.

For installation instructions for the PROTECTOR, click HERE. And to calculate the water savings this toilet can have on your home bills, see our online Water Savings Calculator.


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Mansfield to the Rescue! Mon, 27 Mar 2017 13:29:01 +0000 You’re a plumber stressed out and trying to meet a deadline. It’s 3:35pm on a Tuesday and you just remembered you need four Summit toilets for your next project that starts Friday morning. How can you get your toilets quickly? Just call your Mansfield dealer. At Mansfield we offer our dealers a Quick Ship Program […]

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You’re a plumber stressed out and trying to meet a deadline. It’s 3:35pm on a Tuesday and you just remembered you need four Summit toilets for your next project that starts Friday morning. How can you get your toilets quickly? Just call your Mansfield dealer.

Richard Boyd

At Mansfield we offer our dealers a Quick Ship Program that can get them the toilets you need in just one or two days. When using this program your dealer can get you between four and 12 pieces in the Summit, Quantum or Affordable Style product lines. The pieces are delivered to your dealer in the continental United States within days.

At Mansfield Plumbing, we supply you with the products you need, when you need them.  Rely on us to support the growth of your business, help solve challenges and delivery top-quality products in a timely manner. Next time you need toilets FAST, ask your dealer to use Mansfield’s Quick Ship program!


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Spring into Action Sun, 19 Mar 2017 15:25:41 +0000 Tomorrow marks the first day of Spring. A time to open the windows to warm breezes and shake off the sluggishness of long winter months. Shake up your home and spring into action by evaluating your bathroom. Have you lived with a wobbly, shaky toilet for the past several months? Has your water bill been […]

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Tomorrow marks the first day of Spring. A time to open the windows to warm breezes and shake off the sluggishness of long winter months.

Shake up your home and spring into action by evaluating your bathroom.

Have you lived with a wobbly, shaky toilet for the past several months? Has your water bill been climbing? Have you handled one-too-many toilet overflow situations during the winter months? If any of these situations sound familiar, then it’s time to invest in a new toilet.

At Mansfield Plumbing, we offer a variety of top quality toilets, in different sizes, styles and designs to fit your needs. Choose from our dependable Summit collection with PuraClean glaze finishes, our Alto or QuantumOne toilets, or our revolutionary Denali and Protector toilets.

For single flush confidence, Denali features superior flushing performance that’s more than 20 percent greater than the highest MaP rating. Denali moves 1,200 grams of waste with 1.6 Gpf (grams per flush), as proven through independent testing.mansfield-pic-denali-drainline

Denali maximizes energy by having water sit higher in its tank. During the flushing process, energy picks up as water moves through a three-inch flush valve to reach its highest velocity earlier in the flushing cycle. Dual side jets intensify the efficient and effective waste removal process. Additionally, Denali has been tested to one-and-a-half times the industry standard for carrying waste further down the drain line — up to a 60-foot drain line carry distance.

Mansfield - Pic - Protector - Illustration (761x800)            To eliminate overflow messes, Protector features a unique concealed secondary drain. The Protector redirects overflowing water into the second drain, so messes are eliminated. Head to to spring into action and find your new toilet!




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Flushing Away the Mess Thu, 02 Mar 2017 14:18:00 +0000 Real life can be messy. Especially when you’re doing laundry and your 3-year-old son decides to stuff his toy cars down the toilet. Flush. Flush. Overflow. Mess. At Mansfield Plumbing, we understand that you need solutions to everyday problems. That’s why we make our toilets to withstand the daily rigors of life plus the unexpected […]

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Real life can be messy. Especially when you’re doing laundry and your 3-year-old son decides to stuff his toy cars down the toilet. Flush. Flush. Overflow. Mess.

At Mansfield Plumbing, we understand that you need solutions to everyday problems. That’s why we make our toilets to withstand the daily rigors of life plus the unexpected challenges … like toy cars.


Click HERE to see how our SmartFlush system can handle your son’s toy car near-disaster … or the flushing of 10 golf balls … or 40 squares of toilet paper! And, if you think you need even more flushing support, ask for our MagnaFlush II high performance flushing technology … which can handle 25 golf balls or 8 toy cars!

Our toilets are made for real life … even when life throws you a curve ball or two.


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My Turn Wed, 15 Feb 2017 14:48:25 +0000 For more than two years I’ve had the pleasure of learning about, promoting and writing stories related to Mansfield Plumbing products. I’ve arranged for toilet donations to charities, television shows, Building Homes for Heroes and other special projects. This month it was my turn to see for myself the impressive impact Denali toilets can have […]

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bowl 1For more than two years I’ve had the pleasure of learning about, promoting and writing stories related to Mansfield Plumbing products. I’ve arranged for toilet donations to charities, television shows, Building Homes for Heroes and other special projects. This month it was my turn to see for myself the impressive impact Denali toilets can have in the home.

My two older toilets were “water hogs” with stubborn water stains in the bowls that could not be removed. These toilets were flat out ugly. The other aggravating problem was that the “waste” would go down fine, but each time I flushed, the toilet paper would return to the bowl, requiring a second flush.

The team at Mansfield convinced me it was time to test out the Denali … and I’m glad they did.

Plumber Richard Hodges had the honor of pulling out the old toilets and installing the newer ones. After owning his plumbing business for 26 years, Richard knows toilets. And, as he informed me while I peppered him with questions during the Denali installation, he truly appreciated the simplicity of the Denali.

lid placement 2

“There are some toilets that are so contorted and complicated that they can take three hours to install,” says Richard. “The Denali was a dream. Each toilet took just 30 minutes to install. This was a simple project with great results.”

Richard’s right. The entire project started at 8:45am and he was cleaned up and out the door by 10:00am … and that’s after installing two Denali toilets.

finished            My reaction? They look great … the higher seat is oh-so-right for a 6’1″ person … and the efficiency of the power flush is amazing. The proof? No more “returning toilet paper” when I flush these powerful Denali toilets!


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Are You Flushing Money Away? Fri, 16 Dec 2016 16:08:25 +0000 With the focus today on gaining efficiencies in the home — energy efficiency, solar efficiency and water efficiency — choosing a low-flow toilet is a key way to save on water bills. And, if you have an older toilet that uses more than 1.28 gallons per flush (Gpf) you may want to schedule a bathroom […]

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With the focus today on gaining efficiencies in the home — energy efficiency, solar efficiency and water efficiency — choosing a low-flow toilet is a key way to save on water bills. And, if you have an older toilet that uses more than 1.28 gallons per flush (Gpf) you may want to schedule a bathroom renovation and invest in a new toilet.

            “Selecting a low-consumption water toilet doesn’t mean sacrificing performance,” says Adriana Miller, product manager at Mansfield Plumbing in Ohio. “Gone are the days when a toilet needs five, three, or even two gallons of water to effectively and cleanly flush away human waste.”

Miller cites the Summit 1.28 Gpf toilet that features MagnaFlushTM flushing technology as a prime example of performance married with low water usage. This toilet can flush 1,000 grams MaP (a testing combination of waste and toilet paper) with just over a gallon of water. The high efficiency toilet (HET) meets the WaterSense® rating criteria set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

mansfield-pic-summit-dual-flush            Another way to save water in the home is by selecting a dual flush toilet. Two push buttons at the top of the tank give the user the option to use less water to remove liquid waste and more water to remove mass from the toilet bowl. The Summit Dual Flush uses just 1.1 Gpf for liquid waste versus 1.6 Gpf for mass removal.  Also earning the WaterSense rating, this toilet combination is ideal for homes with larger families.

How Low Can You Go?

Want to go even lower in your overall water usage? QuantumOneTM toilets use just 1.0 Gpf with every flush. The high efficiency toilet tank provides pressure-assist flushing action with superior performance over conventional gravity flush toilets.

“According to the EPA, toilets are the main source of water consumption in the home, with almost 30 percent of indoor water usage related to toilets,”* says Miller. “When you consider that the average person has at least five flushes per day, this can add up to substantial water bills for a family.

“Our advice is to start by calculating how much water your family can save by replacing even one toilet in the home with a high efficiency toilet. Go to the free Water Savings Calculator at This will show you within seconds how much water you can save each year by investing in a WaterSense rated toilet.”


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DIY Toilet Installation Thu, 08 Dec 2016 15:01:58 +0000 It’s easier than you may think to replace a toilet in your home. And, it’s fast. Just ask a few homeowners who tackled the DIY project recently.  “My boyfriend and his father took out an old toilet and replaced it with a Summit Dual-Flush toilet in less than an hour,” says Misty Davis with Everything […]

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It’s easier than you may think to replace a toilet in your home. And, it’s fast. Just ask a few homeowners who tackled the DIY project recently. img_3419

“My boyfriend and his father took out an old toilet and replaced it with a Summit Dual-Flush toilet in less than an hour,” says Misty Davis with Everything Changes blog site. “We selected this toilet specifically because of the dual flush option. We had problems getting toilet paper and waste down with our other toilet. This new toilet saves water by using just 1.1/1.6 Gpf and efficiently removes solid waste when the second flush button is chosen.”

 In Oregon, Laurie Adams reports that installing a Denali toilet was “super easy and quick.”  

“On a scale of 1 being difficult and 5 being super easy, I would give this project a 4,” says Adams, with Emily Reviews blog site. “I actually had to ask my husband to slow down so I could take pictures. The entire process took less than 30 minutes.”


 For Adams, who has two young daughters at home, selecting the Denali Power Flush toilet was important because of the powerful flushing capabilities. Providing single flush confidence, Denali features superior flushing performance that’s more than 20 percent greater than the highest MaP rating, moving 1,200 grams of waste with 1.6 Gpf. 

Both Davis and Adams have written reviews of their Mansfield toilet installation experiences. To see the step-by-step blog postings, go to and


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